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More Tips For Keeping Your Home Nice and Cool This Summer

Are you the type of person who enjoys having a home that is hot and sweaty? Us either. If you have lived in or visited the Fort Collins area, you know just how hot the summer months can get, and just how hot it can make your house without the proper cooling techniques.

In today’s post, we are going to be going over some key tips for keeping your home nice and cool this summer. And, if you are in need of air conditioning repair, installation, or maintenance services in your home, be sure to give us a call at Calvary Plumbing and Heating in Fort Collins today. We provide air conditioning repair, installation, filter replacements, and more to Fort Collins and the surrounding areas, and we’re currently offering $40 off any air conditioning repair for a limited time when mentioning this coupon at the time of booking!

Tip #1: Place Box Fans in Windows

Box fans that are placed in or near windows can help to draw in cool air from outside or pull hot air out depending on the way that the fan is placed. If the blades of the fan are facing the window screen, the fan will help pull hot air out of the room. On the other hand, if the blades of the fan are facing inside of the room, it will draw cool air in from the outdoors.

Tip #2: Draw the Blinds

While it’s great to let natural light into your home, it also tends to bring unwanted heat with it. Draw your blinds during the hottest part of the day in order to keep the heat out and keep your home cooler. Believe it or not, up to 30% of unwanted heat in your home comes from your windows! And, if you want to double your protection against the sun’s heat, we suggest investing in white-backed blackout shades for your home’s largest windows. Blackout curtains block sunlight and help to naturally insulate rooms, and by getting some with a white or neutral-colored back, the sun won’t be drawn to it either.

Tip #3: Try to Focus on Your Body Temperature More Than the Temperature In Your House

Whether it be sipping an ice-cold glass of water or applying a cold cloth to strong-pulsed areas of your body like your neck or wrists, cooling yourself from the inside out is never a bad idea. Also consider your clothing choices as well, as simply throwing on a t-shirt and shorts can help cool you off quicker than you might think!

Tip #4: Let the Night Air In

Throughout the summer, temperatures can drop during the night after the sun sets. Take full advantage of these cooler temperatures by opening up a few windows in your home. You can even strategically create a “wind tunnel” in your home by setting up your fans to force the perfect cross breeze. Just be sure to close up the windows and blinds before it gets too hot the next morning.

Tip #5: Set Your Ceiling Fans to Rotate Counterclockwise

Believe it or not, your fan blades should rotate counterclockwise in the summertime (as you look up at it) in order to push the air straight down. Most people tend to set-and-forget their fans and don’t realize that you can flip the direction that it spins in order to get a cooler effect. Try it out and see the difference for yourself!

Tip #6: Sleep in Breathable Linens

There are few things more frustrating than trying to fall asleep at night when you are hot and sweaty. During the summer months, opt for bedding that is made of breathable materials such as cotton. This will help you to sleep cooler and more comfortably throughout the night,

Also, keep in mind that the lower the thread count of the cotton, the more breathable it will be. This is because the higher the thread count is, the more weaving and material there is per square inch.

Tip #7: Install Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs

Incandescent light bulbs generate higher temperatures than LED light bulbs do. Not only will making this switch help with reducing the temperature in your home, but it can also save you more money in utility costs

Tip #8: Invest in Quality Air Conditioning

There are few things that feel better than coming inside and running your air conditioning unit for a few hours after a busy summer day. We suggest working with a trusted team who will be able to recommend the right air conditioning unit for your home so that you aren’t left either overspending for a unit that is too large, or not feeling the full effects of what your air conditioning unit should be providing you. If you are in the Fort Collins area and are looking for affordable air conditioning repair or installation, give us a call at Calvary Plumbing and Heating today.

Tip #9: Power Down Appliances

Appliances that are left plugged in (even when not in use) are generating heat that contributes to the overall temperature of your home, including your computer and television. By powering down multiple appliances, not only will you feel more comfortable in your home but you’ll also likely end up saving money on utility costs.

Tip #10: Plant Trees Around Your Home

Not only is planting trees great for the environment, but these greenhouse-coolers help to shade your home’s exterior and prevent sunlight from shining directly into your windows. This way, you can still let in that natural light while having some nice greenery to look at!

Deciduous trees are one of the best to plant due to the amount of shade they provide during the summer and then let more sun in when they drop their leaves when the temperatures begin to drop in the fall. Just be sure to select trees that are able to thrive in your area, such as the honeylocust and hackberry trees for northern Colorado. It is a great idea to contact a local arborist to determine what trees will be a good fit for your yard.

Well, there you have it! A few more great tips for keeping your home nice and cool during these hot summer months. Whether you decide to try one of these tips or try them all, you are sure to feel much more comfortable in your space.

If you are in need of air conditioning repair, installation, or maintenance, Calvary Plumbing and Heating in the Fort Collins area is your Top Rated Local® team to get the job done. Be sure to give us a call today and take advantage of our limited-time $40 off any air conditioning repair when you mention the coupon during booking!